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Cosmos Hub 3 Upgrade

The following document describes the necessary steps involved that validators and full node operators must take in order to upgrade from cosmoshub-3 to cosmoshub-4. The Cosmos teams will post an official cosmoshub-4 genesis file, but it is recommended that validators execute the following instructions in order to verify the resulting genesis file.

There is a strong social consensus around proposal Cosmos Hub 4 Upgrade Proposal on cosmoshub-3. Following proposals #27, #35 and #36. This indicates that the upgrade procedure should be performed on February 18, 2021 at 06:00 UTC.


The Cosmoshub-3 will undergo a scheduled upgrade to Cosmoshub-4 on Feb 18, 2021 at 6 UTC.

The following is a short summary of the upgrade steps:

1. Stopping the running Gaia v2.0.x instance
1. Backing up configs, data, and keys used for running Cosmoshub-3
1. Resetting state to clear the local Cosmoshub-3 state
1. Copying the cosmoshub-4 genesis file to the Gaia config folder (either after migrating an existing cosmoshub-3 genesis export, or downloading the cosmoshub-4 genesis from the mainnet github)
1. Installing the Gaia v4.0.x release
1. Starting the Gaia v4.0.x instance to resume the Cosmos hub chain at a height of <cosmoshub3 height> + 1.

Specific instructions for validators are available in Upgrade Procedure, and specific instructions for full node operators are available in Guidance for Full Node Operators.

Upgrade coordination and support for validators will be available on the #validators-verified channel of the Cosmos Discord.

The network upgrade can take the following potential pathways:

  1. Happy path: Validator successfully migrates the cosmoshub-3 genesis file to a cosmoshub-4 genesis file, and the validator can successfully start Gaia v4 with the cosmoshub-4 genesis within 1-2 hours of the scheduled upgrade.
  2. Not-so-happy path: Validators have trouble migrating the cosmoshub-3 genesis to a cosmoshub-4 genesis, but can obtain the genesis file from the Cosmos mainnet github repo and can successfully start Gaia v4 within 1-2 hours of the scheduled upgrade.
  3. Abort path: In the rare event that the team becomes aware of critical issues, which result in an unsuccessful migration within a few hours, the upgrade will be announced as aborted on the #validators-verified channel of Discord, and validators will need to resume running cosmoshub-3 network without any updates or changes. A new governance proposal for the upgrade will need to be issued and voted on by the community.


These chapters contain all the migration guides to update your app and modules to Cosmos v0.40 Stargate.

If you’re running a block explorer, wallet, exchange, validator, or any other service (eg. custody provider) that depends upon the Cosmos Hub or Cosmos ecosystem, you’ll want to pay attention, because this upgrade will involve substantial changes.

  1. App and Modules Migration
  2. REST Endpoints Migration
  3. Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC)– cross-chain transactions
  4. Protobuf Migration – blockchain performance & dev acceleration
  5. State Sync – minutes to sync new nodes
  6. Full-Featured Light Clients
  7. Chain Upgrade Module – upgrade automation

If you want to test the procedure before the update happens on 18th of February, please see this post accordingly:


Many changes have occurred to the Cosmos SDK and the Gaia application since the latest major upgrade (cosmoshub-3). These changes notably consist of many new features, protocol changes, and application structural changes that favor developer ergonomics and application development.

First and foremost, IBC following the Interchain Standads will be enabled. This upgrade comes with several improvements in efficiency, node synchronization and following blockchain upgrades. More details on the Stargate Website.

Gaia application v4.0.2 is what full node operators will upgrade to and run in this next major upgrade. Following Cosmos SDK version v0.41.2 and Tendermint v0.34.7.

Validators should expect that at least 16GB of RAM needs to be provisioned to process the first new block on cosmoshub-4.

Major Updates

There are many notable features and changes in the upcoming release of the SDK. Many of these are discussed at a high level here.

Some of the biggest changes to take note on when upgrading as a developer or client are the following:

  • Protocol Buffers: Initially the Cosmos SDK used Amino codecs for nearly all encoding and decoding. In this version a major upgrade to Protocol Buffers have been integrated. It is expected that with Protocol Buffers applications gain in speed, readability, convenience and interoperability with many programming languages. Read more
  • CLI: The CLI and the daemon for a blockchain were separated in previous versions of the Cosmos SDK. This led to a gaiad and gaiacli binary which were separated and could be used for different interactions with the blockchain. Both of these have been merged into one gaiad which now supports the commands the gaiacli previously supported.
  • Node Configuration: Previously blockchain data and node configuration was stored in ~/.gaia/, these will now reside in ~/.gaia/, if you use scripts that make use of the configuration or blockchain data, make sure to update the path.


As a validator performing the upgrade procedure on your consensus nodes carries a heightened risk of double-signing and being slashed. The most important piece of this procedure is verifying your software version and genesis file hash before starting your validator and signing.

The riskiest thing a validator can do is discover that they made a mistake and repeat the upgrade procedure again during the network startup. If you discover a mistake in the process, the best thing to do is wait for the network to start before correcting it. If the network is halted and you have started with a different genesis file than the expected one, seek advice from a Tendermint developer before resetting your validator.


Prior to exporting cosmoshub-3 state, validators are encouraged to take a full data snapshot at the export height before proceeding. Snapshotting depends heavily on infrastructure, but generally this can be done by backing up the .gaia directory.

It is critically important to back-up the .gaia/data/priv_validator_state.json file after stopping your gaiad process. This file is updated every block as your validator participates in a consensus rounds. It is a critical file needed to prevent double-signing, in case the upgrade fails and the previous chain needs to be restarted.

In the event that the upgrade does not succeed, validators and operators must downgrade back to gaia v2.0.15 with v0.37.15 of the Cosmos SDK and restore to their latest snapshot before restarting their nodes.

Upgrade Procedure

Note: It is assumed you are currently operating a full-node running gaia v2.0.15 with v0.37.15 of the Cosmos SDK.

The version/commit hash of Gaia v2.0.15: 89cf7e6fc166eaabf47ad2755c443d455feda02e

  1. Verify you are currently running the correct version (v2.0.15) of gaiad:

     $ gaiad version --long
    name: gaia
    server_name: gaiad
    client_name: gaiacli
    version: 2.0.15
    commit: 89cf7e6fc166eaabf47ad2755c443d455feda02e
    build_tags: netgo,ledger
    go: go version go1.15 darwin/amd64
  2. Make sure your chain halts at the right time and date: February 18, 2021 at 06:00 UTC is in UNIX seconds: 1613628000

    perl -i -pe 's/^halt-time =.*/halt-time = 1613628000/' ~/.gaia/config/app.toml
  3. After the chain has halted, make a backup of your .gaia directory

    mv ~/.gaia ./gaiad_backup

    NOTE: It is recommended for validators and operators to take a full data snapshot at the export height before proceeding in case the upgrade does not go as planned or if not enough voting power comes online in a sufficient and agreed upon amount of time. In such a case, the chain will fallback to continue operating cosmoshub-3. See Recovery for details on how to proceed.

  4. Export existing state from cosmoshub-3:

    Before exporting state via the following command, the gaiad binary must be stopped! As a validator, you can see the last block height created in the ~/.gaia/data/priv_validator_state.json - or now residing in gaiad_backup when you made a backup as in the last step - and obtain it with

    cat ~/.gaia/data/priv_validator_state.json | jq '.height'
    gaiad export --height=<height> > cosmoshub_3_genesis_export.json

    this might take a while, you can expect an hour for this step

  5. Verify the SHA256 of the (sorted) exported genesis file:

    Compare this value with other validators / full node operators of the network. Going forward it will be important that all parties can create the same genesis file export.

    $ jq -S -c -M '' cosmoshub_3_genesis_export.json | shasum -a 256
    [SHA256_VALUE] cosmoshub_3_genesis_export.json
  6. At this point you now have a valid exported genesis state! All further steps now require v4.0.2 of Gaia. Cross check your genesis hash with other peers (other validators) in the chat rooms.

    NOTE: Go 1.15+ is required!

    git clone && cd gaia && git checkout v4.0.2; make install
  7. Verify you are currently running the correct version (v4.0.2) of the Gaia:

     name: gaia
    server_name: gaiad
    version: 4.0.2
    commit: 6d46572f3273423ad9562cf249a86ecc8206e207
    build_tags: netgo,ledger

    The version/commit hash of Gaia v4.0.2: 6d46572f3273423ad9562cf249a86ecc8206e207

  8. Migrate exported state from the current v2.0.15 version to the new v4.0.2 version:

    gaiad migrate cosmoshub_3_genesis_export.json --chain-id=cosmoshub-4 --initial-height [last_cosmoshub-3_block+1] > genesis.json

    This will migrate our exported state into the required genesis.json file to start the cosmoshub-4.

  9. Verify the SHA256 of the final genesis JSON:

    $ jq -S -c -M '' genesis.json | shasum -a 256
    [SHA256_VALUE] genesis.json

    Compare this value with other validators / full node operators of the network. It is important that each party can reproduce the same genesis.json file from the steps accordingly.

  10. Reset state:

    NOTE: Be sure you have a complete backed up state of your node before proceeding with this step. See Recovery for details on how to proceed.

    gaiad unsafe-reset-all
  11. Move the new genesis.json to your .gaia/config/ directory

    cp genesis.json ~/.gaia/config/
  12. Start your blockchain

    gaiad start

    Automated audits of the genesis state can take 30-120 min using the crisis module. This can be disabled by gaiad start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants.

Guidance for Full Node Operators

  1. Verify you are currently running the correct version (v2.0.15) of gaiad:

     $ gaiad version --long
    name: gaia
    server_name: gaiad
    client_name: gaiacli
    version: 2.0.15
    commit: 89cf7e6fc166eaabf47ad2755c443d455feda02e
    build_tags: netgo,ledger
    go: go version go1.15 darwin/amd64
  2. Stop your Gaia v2.0.15 instance.

  3. After the chain has halted, make a backup of your .gaia directory

    mv ~/.gaia ./gaiad_backup

    NOTE: It is recommended for validators and operators to take a full data snapshot at the export height before proceeding in case the upgrade does not go as planned or if not enough voting power comes online in a sufficient and agreed upon amount of time. That means the backup of .gaia should only take place once the chain has halted at UNIX time 1613628000. In such a case, the chain will fallback to continue operating cosmoshub-3. See Recovery for details on how to proceed.

  4. Download the cosmoshub-4 genesis file from the Cosmos Mainnet Github. This file will be generated by a validator that is migrating from cosmoshub-3 to cosmoshub-4. The cosmoshub-4 genesis file will be validated by community participants, and the hash of the file will be shared on the #validators-verified channel of the Cosmos Discord.

  5. Install v4.0.2 of Gaia.

    NOTE: Go 1.15+ is required!

    git clone && cd gaia && git checkout v4.0.2; make install
  6. Verify you are currently running the correct version (v4.0.2) of the Gaia:

     name: gaia
    server_name: gaiad
    version: 4.0.2
    commit: 6d46572f3273423ad9562cf249a86ecc8206e207
    build_tags: netgo,ledger

    The version/commit hash of Gaia v4.0.2: 6d46572f3273423ad9562cf249a86ecc8206e207

  7. Reset state:

    NOTE: Be sure you have a complete backed up state of your node before proceeding with this step. See Recovery for details on how to proceed.

    gaiad unsafe-reset-all
  8. Move the new genesis.json to your .gaia/config/ directory

    cp genesis.json ~/.gaia/config/
  9. Start your blockchain

    gaiad start

    Automated audits of the genesis state can take 30-120 min using the crisis module. This can be disabled by gaiad start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants.

Notes for Service Providers

REST server

In case you have been running REST server with the command gaiacli rest-server previously, running this command will not be necessary anymore. API server is now in-process with daemon and can be enabled/disabled by API configuration in your .gaia/config/app.toml:

# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = false
# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = false

swagger setting refers to enabling/disabling swagger docs API, i.e, /swagger/ API endpoint.

gRPC Configuration

gRPC configuration in your .gaia/config/app.toml

# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = ""

State Sync

State Sync Configuration in your .gaia/config/app.toml

# State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical
# blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height.
# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 0
# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 2