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Version: Unreleased (main)

Joining Testnet

This tutorial will provide all necessary instructions for joining the current public testnet. If you're interested in more advanced configuration and synchronization options, see Join Mainnet for a detailed walkthrough.

  • Current Version: v17
  • Chain ID: theta-testnet-001


The Cosmos Hub Public Testnet is currently running Gaia v13. Visit the testnet explorer to view all on-chain activity.

For those who just need instructions on performing the upgrade, see the Upgrading Your Node section.

Version History

The table below shows all past and upcoming versions of the public testnet.

ReleaseUpgrade Block HeightUpgrade Date
v6.0.0GenesisLaunched 2022-03-10

See the Gaia release page for details on each release.

How to Join

We offer three ways to set up a node in the testnet:

  • Quickstart scripts
    • The testnets repo has shell scripts to set up a node with a single command.
  • Ansible playbooks
    • The cosmos-ansible repo has an inventory file to set up a node with a single command.
  • Step-by-step instructions
    • The rest of this document provides a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up a testnet node.

We recommend running public testnet nodes on machines with at least 8 cores, 32GB of RAM, and 300GB of disk space.

Sync Options

There are two ways to sync a testnet node, Fastsync and State Sync.

  • Fast Sync syncs the chain from genesis by downloading blocks in parallel and then verifying them.
  • State Sync will look for snapshots from peers at a trusted height and then verifying a minimal set of snapshot chunks against the network.

State Sync is far faster and more efficient than Fast Sync, but Fast Sync offers higher data integrity and more robust history. For those who are concerned about storage and costs, State Sync can be the better option as it minimizes storage usage when rebuilding initial state.

Step-by-Step Setup

The following set of instructions assumes you are logged in as root.

  • You can run the relevant commands from a sudoer account.
  • The /root/ part in service file paths can be changed to /home/<username>/.

Build Tools

Install build tools and Go.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y make gcc
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Installation & Configuration

You will need to install and configure the Gaia binary using the script below. The Cosmos Hub Public Testnet is running Gaia v17.0.0-rc0.

Build the gaiad binary and initialize the chain home folder.

cd $HOME
git clone
cd gaia
# To sync from genesis, comment out the next line.
git checkout v17.0.0-rc0
# To sync from genesis, uncomment the next line and skip the State Sync Setup section.
# git checkout v6.0.4
make install
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
gaiad init <custom_moniker>

Prepare the genesis file.

cd $HOME
gzip -d genesis.json.gz
mv genesis.json $HOME/.gaia/config/genesis.json

# Set minimum gas price & peers
cd $HOME/.gaia/config
sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = ""/minimum-gas-prices = "0.005uatom"/' app.toml
sed -i 's/seeds = ""/seeds = ","/' config.toml

State sync requires you to configure a trust height and trust hash. These depend on the current block height, so they will vary depending on when you are joining the network.

  • Visit a testnet explorer to find the block and hash for the current height - 1000.
  • Set these parameters in the code snippet below: <BLOCK_HEIGHT> and <BLOCK_HASH>.
cd $HOME/.gaia/config
sed -i 's/enable = false/enable = true/' config.toml
sed -i 's/trust_height = 0/trust_height = <BLOCK_HEIGHT>/' config.toml
sed -i 's/trust_hash = ""/trust_hash = "<BLOCK_HASH>"/' config.toml
sed -i 's/rpc_servers = ""/rpc_servers = "http:\/\/,http:\/\/"/' config.toml
  • For example, if the block explorer lists a current block height of 12,563,326, we could use a trust height of 12,562,000 and the trust hash would be 6F958861E1FA409639C8F2DA899D09B9F50A66DBBD49CE021A2FF680FA8A9204.

Cosmovisor Setup (Optional)

Cosmovisor is a process manager that monitors the governance module for incoming chain upgrade proposals. When a proposal is approved, Cosmovisor can automatically download the new binary, stop the chain binary when it hits the upgrade height, switch to the new binary, and restart the daemon. Cosmovisor can be used with either Fast Sync or State Sync.

The instructions below provide a simple way to sync via Cosmovisor. For more information on configuration, check out the Cosmos SDK's Cosmovisor documentation.

Cosmovisor requires the creation of the following directory structure:

└── cosmovisor
└── genesis
└── bin
└── gaiad

Install Cosmovisor and copy Gaia binary to genesis folder:

go install
mkdir -p ~/.gaia/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
cp ~/go/bin/gaiad ~/.gaia/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/

Create Service File

  • Cosmos Hub recommends running gaiad or cosmovisor with the --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants flag. If checking for invariants, operators are likely to see rounding error withdrawing rewards from validator. These are expected. For more information see Verify Mainnet.

Create one of the following service files.

If you are not using Cosmovisor: /etc/systemd/system/gaiad.service

Description=Gaia service

ExecStart=/root/go/bin/gaiad start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants --home /root/.gaia


If you are using Cosmovisor: /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service

Description=Cosmovisor service

ExecStart=/root/go/bin/cosmovisor run start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants --home /root/.gaia


Start the Service

Reload the systemd manager configuration.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart systemd-journald

If you are not using Cosmovisor:

systemctl enable gaiad.service
systemctl start gaiad.service

If you are using Cosmovisor:

systemctl enable cosmovisor.service
systemctl start cosmovisor.service

To follow the service log, run journalctl -fu gaiad or journalctl -fu cosmovisor.

  • If you are using State Sync, the chain will start syncing once a snapshot is found and verified. Syncing to the current block height should take less than half an hour.
  • If you are using Block Sync, the chain will start syncing once the first block after genesis is found among the peers. Syncing to the current block height will take several days.

Create a Validator (Optional)

If you want to create a validator in the testnet, request tokens through the faucet Discord channel and follow the Running a validator instructions provided for mainnet.

Upgrading Your Node

Follow these instructions if you have a node that is already synced and wish to participate in a scheduled testnet software upgrade.

When the chain reaches the upgrade block height specified by a software upgrade proposal, the chain binary will halt and expect the new binary to be run (the system log will show ERR UPGRADE "<Upgrade name>" NEEDED at height: XXXX or something similar).

There are three ways you can update the binary:

  1. Without Cosmovisor: You must build or download the new binary ahead of the upgrade. When the chain binary halts at the upgrade height:
  • Stop the gaiad service with systemctl stop gaiad.service.
  • Build or download the new binary, replacing the existing ~/go/bin one.
  • Start the gaiad service with systemctl start gaiad.service.
  1. With Cosmovisor: You must build or download the new binary and copy it to the appropriate folder ahead of the upgrade.
  2. With Cosmovisor: Using the auto-download feature, assuming the proposal includes the binaries for your system architecture.

The instructions below are for option 2. For more information on auto-download with Cosmovisor, see the relevant documentation in the Cosmos SDK repo.

If the environment variable DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES is set to false, Cosmovisor will look for the new binary in a folder that matches the name of the upgrade specified in the software upgrade proposal. For the v17 upgrade, the expected folder structure would look as follows:

└── cosmovisor
├── current
├── genesis
│ └── bin
| └── gaiad
└── upgrades
└── v17
└── bin
└── gaiad

Prepare the upgrade directory

mkdir -p ~/.gaia/cosmovisor/upgrades/v17/bin

Download and install the new binary version.

cd $HOME/gaia
git pull
git checkout v17.0.0-rc0
make install

# Copy the new binary to the v16 upgrade directory
cp ~/go/bin/gaiad ~/.gaia/cosmovisor/upgrades/v17/bin/gaiad

When the upgrade height is reached, Cosmovisor will stop the gaiad binary, copy the new binary to the current/bin folder and restart. After a few minutes, the node should start syncing blocks using the new binary.